Featured Work

Doctor Click Away

The purpose of Doctor Click Away is to reduce the communication gap between patients and doctors in a way that they can communicate to each other from anywhere, anytime

Services Provided

    Mobile App


Doctor Click Away has a group of highly skilled and famous doctors with the aim to provide next generation medical solutions. One of the main ways Doctor Click Away seeks to reduce health care costs is by engaging doctors, hospitals and other health care providers to form networks that coordinate patient care. Doctor click away provides video call facility to connect with doctors and it has a vital feature called Virtual Blood Bank through which you can ask other users to donate blood.




  • Appointment booking
  • Video Call with doctor
  • Online storage and retrieval of health history
  • Consult online with doctor
  • Location based Doctor S

We created intuitive and minimalistic UI for the mobile application and web applications. We stepped into the user to understand their requirements, pain points, and expectations. This also helped us to empathize and gain a complete understanding of the immigration process.

We connected and interviewed different stakeholders to understand the idea behind the network expansion of their community and the services which they wanted to provide for the user. We defined User journeys and workflows to give a user-friendly design.

Later, we worked on the wireframes to define the structure and functionality of different screens. After wireframing,
The screens are changed into designs that are both visually attractive and understandable.

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#435, 3rd Floor, 27th Main Road, 1st Sector HSR Layout, Bangalore - 560102

+91 8884 739 988

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